Wednesday 3 September 2014

Top 100 leaderboard-worthy passives & skills

I suck at figuring out which builds aren't terrible and whatever, so I wrote a script to scrape the US leaderboards and tell me which passives/skills are popular.
Without further ado......
    class     | count | min_tier | max_tier |      avg_tier
 barbarian    |    96 |       32 |       38 | 33.3333333333333333
 crusader     |    92 |       32 |       37 | 33.5217391304347826
 demon-hunter |    92 |       38 |       40 | 38.4130434782608696 (WHO SAW THAT COMING????)
 monk         |    97 |       32 |       37 | 33.4329896907216495
 witch-doctor |    93 |       33 |       38 | 33.6344086021505376
 wizard       |    98 |       33 |       38 | 33.7346938775510204

## PASSIVES (>5 users)
    class     |        skill         | count
 barbarian    | Boon of Bul-Kathos   |    85
 barbarian    | Ruthless             |    78
 barbarian    | Rampage              |    74
 barbarian    | Berserker Rage       |    55
 barbarian    | Superstition         |    31
 barbarian    | Brawler              |    21
 barbarian    | Tough as Nails       |    15
 barbarian    | Weapons Master       |    10
 barbarian    | Bloodthirst          |     8
 crusader     | Heavenly Strength    |    89
 crusader     | Finery               |    75
 crusader     | Holy Cause           |    72
 crusader     | Long Arm of the Law  |    68
 crusader     | Indestructible       |    25
 crusader     | Wrathful             |    14
 crusader     | Lord Commander       |    10
 demon-hunter | Cull the Weak        |    83
 demon-hunter | Ballistics           |    83
 demon-hunter | Awareness            |    63
 demon-hunter | Steady Aim           |    60
 demon-hunter | Custom Engineering   |    50
 demon-hunter | Tactical Advantage   |    13
 demon-hunter | Archery              |    11
 monk         | Alacrity             |    73
 monk         | Beacon of Ytar       |    62
 monk         | Seize the Initiative |    59
 monk         | Sixth Sense          |    49
 monk         | Unity                |    27
 monk         | Transcendence        |    13
 monk         | Momentum             |     6
 witch-doctor | Pierce the Veil      |    69
 witch-doctor | Grave Injustice      |    68
 witch-doctor | Spirit Vessel        |    61
 witch-doctor | Creeping Death       |    51
 witch-doctor | Midnight Feast       |    34
 witch-doctor | Fetish Sycophants    |    24
 witch-doctor | Gruesome Feast       |    22
 witch-doctor | Fierce Loyalty       |    16
 witch-doctor | Zombie Handler       |    11
 witch-doctor | Tribal Rites         |     9
 witch-doctor | Jungle Fortitude     |     7
 wizard       | Blur                 |    90
 wizard       | Illusionist          |    83
 wizard       | Unstable Anomaly     |    70
 wizard       | Conflagration        |    45
 wizard       | Evocation            |    39
 wizard       | Elemental Exposure   |    26
 wizard       | Dominance            |    11
 wizard       | Glass Cannon         |    11
 wizard       | Audacity             |     8

## ACTIVES (>5 users)
    class     |          skill           |          rune           | count
 barbarian    | Wrath of the Berserker   | Insanity                |    86
 barbarian    | Call of the Ancients     | The Council Rises       |    81
 barbarian    | Furious Charge           | Battering Ram           |    48
 barbarian    | Battle Rage              | Bloodshed               |    47
 barbarian    | Earthquake               | Molten Fury             |    41
 barbarian    | Frenzy                   | Maniac                  |    40
 barbarian    | Leap                     | Death from Above        |    36
 barbarian    | War Cry                  | Impunity                |    35
 barbarian    | Ignore Pain              | Iron Hide               |    34
 barbarian    | Sprint                   | Marathon                |    16
 barbarian    | Battle Rage              | Marauder's Rage         |    15
 barbarian    | War Cry                  | Invigorate              |     9
 barbarian    | Ignore Pain              | Ignorance is Bliss      |     8
 barbarian    | Call of the Ancients     | Together as One         |     8
 barbarian    | Wrath of the Berserker   | Striding Giant          |     7
 barbarian    | Ignore Pain              | Contempt for Weakness   |     7
 barbarian    | Ground Stomp             | Wrenching Smash         |     6
 barbarian    | Whirlwind                | Volcanic Eruption       |     6
 crusader     | Akarat's Champion        | Prophet                 |    80
 crusader     | Laws of Valor            | Unstoppable Force       |    78
 crusader     | Heaven's Fury            | Fires of Heaven         |    72
 crusader     | Steed Charge             | Endurance               |    72
 crusader     | Shield Glare             | Divine Verdict          |    48
 crusader     | Provoke                  | Too Scared to Run       |    45
 crusader     | Provoke                  | Charged Up              |    26
 crusader     | Iron Skin                | Steel Skin              |    26
 crusader     | Shield Glare             | Zealous Glare           |    15
 crusader     | Laws of Valor            | Critical                |    13
 crusader     | Provoke                  | Hit Me                  |     8
 crusader     | Akarat's Champion        | Fire Starter            |     8
 crusader     | Phalanx                  | Stampede                |     7
 crusader     | Condemn                  | Vacuum                  |     6
 crusader     | Fist of the Heavens      | Heaven's Tempest        |     6
 demon-hunter | Multishot                | Arsenal                 |    89
 demon-hunter | Companion                | Wolf Companion          |    81
 demon-hunter | Sentry                   | Spitfire Turret         |    79
 demon-hunter | Elemental Arrow          | Frost Arrow             |    73
 demon-hunter | Cluster Arrow            | Maelstrom               |    67
 demon-hunter | Vault                    | Tumble                  |    57
 demon-hunter | Smoke Screen             | Healing Vapors          |    25
 demon-hunter | Cluster Arrow            | Loaded for Bear         |    21
 demon-hunter | Sentry                   | Polar Station           |    13
 demon-hunter | Impale                   | Chemical Burn           |     8
 demon-hunter | Companion                | Boar Companion          |     6
 demon-hunter | Smoke Screen             | Lingering Fog           |     6
 monk         | Way of the Hundred Fists | Fists of Fury           |    80
 monk         | Sweeping Wind            | Inner Storm             |    79
 monk         | Epiphany                 | Desert Shroud           |    73
 monk         | Mystic Ally              | Air Ally                |    43
 monk         | Mantra of Salvation      | Agility                 |    38
 monk         | Dashing Strike           | Radiance                |    37
 monk         | Breath of Heaven         | Infused with Light      |    28
 monk         | Mantra of Healing        | Time of Need            |    20
 monk         | Epiphany                 | Insight                 |    18
 monk         | Mystic Ally              | Fire Ally               |    18
 monk         | Cyclone Strike           | Implosion               |    17
 monk         | Dashing Strike           | Way of the Falling Star |    17
 monk         | Dashing Strike           | Quicksilver             |    12
 monk         | Dashing Strike           | Blinding Speed          |    10
 monk         | Blinding Flash           | Faith in the Light      |     8
 monk         | Serenity                 | Ascension               |     8
 monk         | Inner Sanctuary          | Forbidden Palace        |     8
 monk         | Mantra of Salvation      | Perseverance            |     7
 witch-doctor | Spirit Walk              | Jaunt                   |    80
 witch-doctor | Piranhas                 | Piranhado               |    68
 witch-doctor | Haunt                    | Resentful Spirits       |    51
 witch-doctor | Soul Harvest             | Siphon                  |    43
 witch-doctor | Locust Swarm             | Pestilence              |    41
 witch-doctor | Big Bad Voodoo           | Slam Dance              |    40
 witch-doctor | Horrify                  | Frightening Aspect      |    38
 witch-doctor | Summon Zombie Dogs       | Burning Dogs            |    24
 witch-doctor | Gargantuan               | Wrathful Protector      |    20
 witch-doctor | Fetish Army              | Tiki Torchers           |    18
 witch-doctor | Plague of Toads          | Rain of Toads           |    15
 witch-doctor | Piranhas                 | Frozen Piranhas         |    14
 witch-doctor | Fetish Army              | Legion of Daggers       |    12
 witch-doctor | Summon Zombie Dogs       | Life Link               |    12
 witch-doctor | Locust Swarm             | Devouring Swarm         |     8
 witch-doctor | Plague of Toads          | Addling Toads           |     7
 witch-doctor | Summon Zombie Dogs       | Rabid Dogs              |     7
 witch-doctor | Spirit Walk              | Honored Guest           |     6
 witch-doctor | Soul Harvest             | Vengeful Spirit         |     6
 wizard       | Energy Armor             | Prismatic Armor         |    80
 wizard       | Magic Weapon             | Force Weapon            |    67
 wizard       | Blizzard                 | Apocalypse              |    66
 wizard       | Black Hole               | Blazar                  |    52
 wizard       | Hydra                    | Mammoth Hydra           |    41
 wizard       | Mirror Image             | Duplicates              |    36
 wizard       | Teleport                 | Safe Passage            |    32
 wizard       | Black Hole               | Event Horizon           |    29
 wizard       | Hydra                    | Blazing Hydra           |    25
 wizard       | Teleport                 | Wormhole                |    22
 wizard       | Meteor                   | Molten Impact           |    20
 wizard       | Energy Twister           | Gale Force              |    14
 wizard       | Frost Nova               | Bone Chill              |    11
 wizard       | Teleport                 | Calamity                |    10
 wizard       | Black Hole               | Spellsteal              |     8
 wizard       | Explosive Blast          | Chain Reaction          |     8
 wizard       | Energy Armor             | Force Armor             |     8
disclaimer: since the leaderboard rankings are linked to profiles and not heroes, I had to guess which hero a player used to get the ranking, in some cases I got that wrong so there's less than 100 records for each class. Some of this data might be shoddy or wrong or whatever, so take it with a pinch of salt.