Thursday 31 July 2014

Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition Coming August 19!

For Diablo fans, August will be quite a month: the much-awaited Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition – a title which is essentially Diablo III and Reaper of Souls rolled into one big and extremely attractive package – is bound to land on the Xbox One and the PS4.

Besides all the content that will obviously be there, Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition will also contain quite a few tasty morsels that members of the community will be delighted to snap up: there will be new social options, as well as a special, 4-player co-op mode, which will add an entirely new dimension to the game. Add to that the newly implemented Apprentice mode, which is aimed at allowing low-level players to tag-team with their higher-level friends, and you have a re-definition of in-game cooperation.

To go with this new level of player cooperation, there’s a new in-game mail system, through which, players will find it handier to share loot with those on their friend-lists.

In addition to all that, those who have pre-ordered the game (and judging from the steadily building hype, there are probably quite a few such players indeed), and those who pick up their copy on launch day, will gain access to a special item called “Infernal Pauldron”, which is meant to boost LvL 1 characters, by giving them cool-down, health and life regeneration bonuses.

Perhaps the greatest thing about the whole shebang is however that those who own previous versions of the game, for PS3 or for Xbox 360, will be able to transfer their existing characters to the new game/new platforms. Thus, those with PS3 characters will be able to move them to PS4, while those with an Xbox 360 one will be able to move up to Xbox One.

Phil Thalberg works for Gosugamers, one of the largest gaming communities and home to the best eSports news and VODs.