Friday 4 August 2023

Diablo 4: A Player's Brutal Battle Against RNG

In the world of Diablo 4, the grind can be relentless, and sometimes, the rewards can be disheartening. This was the case for one Diablo 4 Sorcerer who shared their grueling minute-long struggle through a Helltide event on Reddit, only to be met with a disappointing reward.

The Helltide Struggle

The player fought valiantly through the Helltide event, barely surviving with minimal health and no potions. They spammed AoE attacks and dodged danger at precisely the right moments, escaping the clutches of the damned time and again.

After a minute of intense battle, the player finally reached the Tortured Gifts of Mysteries, the special chest they had fought so hard for. They handed over the hefty 250 Aberrant Cinders required to open the chest, and in return, they received... one Legendary.

The RNG Debate

The video sparked a lively debate on Reddit about the balance of Diablo 4's RNG. Some argued that it's unreasonable to expect great loot all the time in a game where the loot system relies on random generation. The possibilities are that you either make out like a bandit, get shortchanged, or land somewhere in between.

In this case, the player's experience fell squarely into the shortchanged category. The one Legendary they received was, in their own words, "trash." However, as some players pointed out, this player was only level 51 and clearing World Tier 3, so the disappointing haul, while still impressively bad, was not entirely unexpected.


RNG is a crucial element in action-RPGs like Diablo 4, and disappointing outcomes like this one only serve to make the more bountiful drops feel more rewarding. While this player's hard-won victory may have netted them severely below-average loot, it's just one bad drop in a sea of loot. Better luck next time, adventurer!


Q1: What happened to the Diablo 4 player in the Helltide event?

A1: The player fought through a grueling minute-long Helltide event, barely surviving with minimal health and no potions. They managed to reach the special chest, the Tortured Gifts of Mysteries, only to receive a disappointing reward of one Legendary.

Q2: What sparked the debate about Diablo 4's RNG?

A2: The player's experience of fighting through a tough event and receiving a disappointing reward sparked a debate about the balance of Diablo 4's RNG. Some argued that it's unreasonable to expect great loot all the time in a game where the loot system relies on random generation.

Q3: What was the player's level and World Tier during this event?

A3: The player was level 51 and was clearing World Tier 3 during this event.

Q4: What was the player's reward for the Helltide event?

A4: The player received one Legendary item as a reward, which they described as "trash."

Q5: What is the role of RNG in Diablo 4?

A5: RNG is a crucial element in action-RPGs like Diablo 4. It determines the loot a player receives, which can range from exceptional to disappointing. This element of chance can make more bountiful drops feel more rewarding.