Tuesday 12 June 2012

Blizzard issues a round of account suspensions and bans to several thousand Diablo III players for botting/cheating/ToS violations

Good job Blizzard! ... Wait I can't login!!! Ohh, maintenance :D Yeah, announcing this during a time where people can't log in is some Grade A trolling.
We recently issued a round of account suspensions and bans to several thousand Diablo® III players who were in violation of the Battle.net® Terms of Use for cheating and/or using botting or hacking programs while playing. In addition to undermining the spirit of fair play that’s essential to everyone’s enjoyment of the game, botting, hacking, and other such exploitive behavior can contribute to stability and performance issues with the Battle.net service. As always, maintaining a stable, safe, and fun online-gaming experience for legitimate players is a top priority for us, and we'll be continuing to keep watch on Battle.net and take action as needed.
Apparently you can roll back your system clock 2 days and your account will be unbanned. I guess bans are stored client side, who knew?