Friday 8 April 2016

Diablo III Season 5 Wraps Up, Season 6 Has a Launch Date

The end of Diablo IIIs season 5 is drawing near and the race is on to see who the top players are at the cessation of hostilities. This time around, the community is really hoping the rankings will indeed provide a much more accurate representation of who the top dogs really are, as Blizzard have adopted a few measures in this sense. A few days ago, a number of bans have been handed out to accounts suspected of having used bots. What that means is that we're essentially witnessing the season-end clean-up, which will hopefully see all the banned accounts removed from the Season 5 Leaderboards.

Season 5 officially wraps up on April 15. Season 6 has been under testing on the PTR for a while now, and it looks all set to go. Upon the end of Season 5, characters will once again be changed to non-season characters and Blood shards, gold and other in-game items will undergo a similar process.

In North America, the official end of the season will come about on Friday, April 15, at 5:00 PM PDT. In Europe, we're looking at the same day, and the same 5:00 PM, CEST. The same goes for Asia, the time being 5:00 KST.

As said above, Season 6 has been in testing for a while, and it now has an official launch date: it will follow the end of Season 5 after a two-week gap. It will launch on April 29, at 5:00 PM PDT in the US, at 5:00 PM CEST in Europe and at 5:00 KST in Asia.

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